General Discipline

A nursing profession that demands attractive service from its members, exerts self-discipline at a personal level, and general discipline on campus. Therefore:

  • Regular attendance, as well as punctuality, is expected from the students at lectures, demonstrations, clinical experiences, fieldwork, and other such academic exercises.
  • Students are also required to present themselves modestly neat and tidy in their dress avoiding exaggerated fashions.
  • The students should wear the prescribed complete uniform during their clinical practices.
  • A sense of decorum and discipline is expected from every student in the hospital as well as on the entire campus. Ragging is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should refrain from disfiguring walls and furniture and from other objective-able practices. In case of breakages/loss of hospital/hostel articles those shall be made good and promptly. Failure to meet the demand within the stipulated time shall incur a penalty.